
08 January 2012

Penguins pooh-pooh panda fans

Suffering from "monochrome jealousy"? A rockhopper
penguin at Edinburgh Zoo. Photo credit: purplegrum.
Some rights reserved.

UNITED KINGDOM - The arrival of pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang at Edinburgh Zoo in December caused great excitement among the city's human inhabitants, but not all the locals seem to be as happy with the zoo's new residents.

The rockhopper penguins' enclosure borders that of the pandas, and visitors queuing to see the black-and-white mammals are being hit by penguin droppings as the inquisitive black-and-white birds watch the goings-on below.

The zoo's director of business operations, Gary Wilson, told the media, "Our rockhopper penguins in particular have been watching the events at the panda enclosure below with great interest, ever since work started on the enclosure.

"Extremely curious birds, they often gather next to the wall to see what's happening below. We're hoping it's not a case of monochrome jealousy, but one or two of our rockhoppers seem to have had surprisingly good aim."

The zoo is now considering installing a glass panel to protect the visitors.

Panda fans hit by penguin droppings, 20 December 2011, Press Association

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