
13 December 2011

Same-sex penguin couple given chick to raise

CHINA - A pair of male gentoo penguins at Harbin Polar Land have been given a chick to raise as their own.

Keepers decided to give the same-sex couple, 0310 and 067, the chick after noticing that a penguin mother who had recently hatched twins seemed to be struggling.

As penguin parents equally share in the responsibility of incubating and raising chicks, keepers are confident that two males will do a good job. Penguin males have a natural instinct for parenting. In fact, 0310 and 067 have got into trouble in the past for trying to steal eggs from other couples in order to incubate them.

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'Gay' penguins given baby chick to parent in China by Alex Pielak, 5 December 2011, The Metro
Gay penguin pair adopt a baby chick in China by Erin Skarda, 7 December 2011, Time Newsfeed

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